The last 'Happy New Year' email in your inbox

Now that your inbox is cleared from Christmas and New Year’s promos, here’s your last one, AKA ‘the best one’ - and of course, it’s from us. Despite all of what had happened in 2021, we’re riding into 2022 head on. Kind of like the corny skateboarding dog pic above.


We've added a few friends to the team!

Traded ping-pong for pickleball
Got the 'Rona (not all of us!)

Pushed pixels for 8,288 hours

Had mezcal with Aaron Paul from Breaking Bad

Made a fire (dumpster fire?) playlist on Spotify

A few honorable mentions: Made cinammon rolls from scratch. Had a few drinks in London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Cape Town, Roatan, Dubai, Bodrum, Paia, Mount Vernon, and Beirut. Got stung by a scorpion. Lost their glasses on a beach in Maui. Went to Hondura and was approached by a toothless lady for services (We did not engage in these services!!!). Sang with Maja Ivarsson from The Sounds. Became a US Citizen!

We are ready to crush 2022.

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