Our year wrapped up,
this is what it looked like...

Hours dedicated to our clients
Sourdough breads baked by our team
steps accumulated by our team
lines of code created
We met up with our international  friends & colleagues in London & Amsterdam
We’re almost ready to move into our new space.
We completed design on our world meeting clock
We entered our first pickleball competition...
and lost
We’re hiring in New York & London, give us a call

We have officially launched sandbox. It’s a tool to empower local entrepreneurs and small business owners with tailored AI solutions, while fostering innovation and collaboration within our team. From creative ideas to thriving companies, our projects push technological boundaries, making a global impact.
Take a look here.

The entire team is looking forward to creating even greater things in the coming year.

Let's grow your business.

See why business owners believe Konsist is the team they were missing!

Let's Get Started
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